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The aim of this project is to promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized businesses by improving the implementation of development directions and/or programs for regional development approved by municipal policy documents and by improving management models and support mechanisms. 

At the moment, partners are working on their Action Plans. We are also preparing a video explaining Action Plans' context and value to our target audience. We are eager to share it with you as soon as it will be ready. 

LITHUANIA - Klaipėda city municipality administration (further – KLAMUN) has an influence on the quality of administration of KEDS implementation. This role consists of the following duties: collect information from partner organizations, monitor the status of strategy implementation, analyze the implementation of strategy indicators, prepare documents, organize partner meetings. Furthermore, KLAMUN is also responsible for implementing 47 of 109 KEDS measures. Klaipėda ID team plays role in implementing KEDS as well. Klaipėda ID is responsible for implementing 26 of 109 KEDS measures. It is important to mark that the Klaipėda ID team has the main role in organizing KEDS marketing activities, as they are the leader of the KEDS Marketing Council.

Inter Ventures Study Visit - Rzeszów

We organized an online thematic study visit to discuss the situation of SMEs in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship and in the border regions of Spain, Lithuania, Hungary, and Italy, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tools and programmes supporting SMEs were discussed, with particular emphasis on those related to reducing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the activities of enterprises in the field of internationalization as well as their experiences and/or good practices in setting up and running the international business were analyzed.

The study Rzeszów - we invite you to watch this video made as a part of the meeting. 


Online Action Planning Workshop

During this workshop, each partner had two tasks - to present its Action Plan and to discuss the feedback and suggestions on Action Plans within the pair. The partnership was divided into 3 breakout rooms as follow:

  1. Poland 1 (ACEP) – Spain (BURGOS & SODEBUR)
  2. Lithuania (Klaipéda Mun & Klaipéda ID) – Poland 2 (RRDA)
  3. Hungary (PANNON EGTC) – Italy (LOMB)

After this workshop, all partners received general feedback on the Action Plans:

  • Action Plans are to be easy to read for all, also those not knowing the region or the Policy instrument, esp. Executive summary
  • Formal adoption/approval by the policy-responsible body of the action plans: for which Action Plan is relevant? 
  • Operational and feasible actions are needed, also including who is doing what, intense monitoring is expected by Lead Partner in Phase 2
  • Finalization of the Action Plan is still ahead, elaboration is a long process.
  • The final version has to be designed (photos, nice outlook). 

More about the event



